Just six hours. 'em ridiculously photogenic Swedes. Followed by a quick trip to Norway. …and another six hours. Sorry, no travel tips. Except for three things:
1. Go visit "Papercut AB". It's the 2nd best Indie Magazine store in the world, next to Hong Kong's Kubrick IMHO.
2. If, in your lifetime, you only have one chance to visit Stockholm, do it when you're about to move into your brand new house (and you haven't bought anything yet). No, I'm not talking about stuff from IKEA.
3. Södermannagatan corner Skånegatan. Perfect spot for street photography and people watching.
Reportage travel and candid street photography of Stockholm Sweden x @redsheepphotocinema. Color remastered using redsheep Chromavibe 160M+ and redsheep Luminoir 800M- April 2020.