Sharing our latest one, which came as a last minute surprise, a pleasant one at that. Flew directly from Hong Kong for this fun, chill honeymoon shoot with bona fide Hollywood filmmakers Niko and Lila. (Lila personally met Michel Gondry himself! Yes, “Eternal Sunshine” Michel Gondry. And “Around the World” Michel Gondry.)
During those moments in between camera clicks, we just talked about the film industry, from überartsy to the downright crass and tacky - the full spectrum from David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive to TMZ.
…now everyone’s requesting for a Tokyo night street-style shoot. My fault actually, since four out of our five non-wedding portfolio entries were shot in the evening, Tokyo neon and all.
(First time shooting with my dream camera setup: a Leica M11 with a 35mm f/1.4 Summilux!)
50 cinematic night street-style couple photos from Niko & Lila’s honeymoon shoot in Tokyo. Destination couple photography x @redsheepphotocinema and @_elsewherelse. Shot on location. Golden Gai & Kabukicho, Shinjuku, JR Yamamote Line and Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, February 2025, Leica M11, Leica SL2 + Leica Q3.